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Laymen Ministries is a non-profit organization designed "To encourage and promote the concept that laymen are ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ and to provide resources to empower lay people to fulfill their mission." To know more about who we are and what we do, click here!

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Enter our Video Room where you can watch the TV programs we have created over they years. Let us take you to the jungles of Vanuatu or travel with us to India to see the sights and sounds as well as taking in the history and culture, all while learning about Laymen Ministries is doing. If you have enjoyed our programs on TV, then you will want to explore this Video Room to see other programs you may have missed!

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Laymen Ministries has been involved with overseas mission work since 1990. We first started working in former Eastern-Europe countries right after the collapse of Communism. As the years went by we expanded to India, Nepal, The Philippines, and China—while we still work Romania, Ukraine, and Lithuania. Click here and see what is happening in these various countries.

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Dumb Dogs that Won't Bark

by Jeff Reich

The Bible says God's "watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber” (Isaiah 56:10). Could it be was are sleeping when we should be wide awake? God calls us to be faithful watchmen, like a faithful watch dog, knowing when to give the warning bark. But sometimes we find there are Chihuahuas in the pack when we all should be Great Danes!


by Jeff Reich

Throughout the ages humanity has wanted to be able to talk to a higher power. In doing so, many false Gods were created. Today we have the most powerful false God of all times—AI aka "Artificial Intelligence." The road humanity is treading is a slippery one. We need to know what all humanity is faced with.

Lessons from My Dad

by Jeff Reich

My dad was a common sense sort of man. The lessons I learned are applicable to all of us. My dad influenced a law school and 100s of law students. His job there at the law school might surprise you. But one lesson we can learn—we are all witnesses for Christ and we all have spiritual gifts!

Can We Legislate Morality?

by Jeff Reich

Is there a false morality being pushed on society today? How do we define what is moral and what is not? And can we legislate morality? These are some of the hard questions tackled in this article.

The Philippines Teach to Teach

India: The Legacy

The Days of Noah