Featured Articles

Download featured articles from Laymen Ministries Magazines. Over the years these articles cover: theology, prophecy, history, science and geology, amazing real life stories and more!! All these articles were written with the "laymen" in mind! These are great for reading on a home computer, tablet or iPad. Or print these PDFs out and share them with friends and family!


by Jeff Reich

Throughout the ages humanity has wanted to be able to talk to a higher power. In doing so, many false Gods were created. Today we have the most powerful false God of all times—AI aka "Artificial Intelligence." The road humanity is treading is a slippery one. We need to know what all humanity is faced with.

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Lessons from My Dad!

by Jeff Reich

My dad was a common sense sort of man. The lessons I learned are applicable to all of us. My dad influenced a law school and 100s of law students. His job there at the law school might surprise you. But one lesson we can learn—we are all witnesses for Christ and we all have spiritual gifts!

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Can We Legislate Morality?

by Jeff Reich

Is there a false morality being pushed on society today? How do we define what is moral and what is not? And can we legislate morality? These are some of the hard questions tackled in this article.

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The Molding of the MIND

by Jeff Reich

Is social media and big tech trying to mold our opinions and even our minds? Are their lessons from the past, in looking at former Communist countries, that we could learn from? Is there a plan in place to shape society? You really need to read this article to understand where we are today as a society!

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The Deep, Dark, Cold Abyss!

by Jeff Reich

After my wife fell off a dock at the lake in the middle of the night in late October, we learned many lessons about life—that there are deep, dark, cold Abyss' of life. We all face death, sickness, and problems. God is there it help us, if we will let Him. Words of encouragement for our time of crises.

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Follow the Science!

by Jeff Reich

This is a thought provoking true story about a scientist who was ridiculed and insulted for sharing scientific facts, using the "scientific method". Turns out some scientists are more into preserving world view than following true science. And this scientist's case, years later, was vindicated as factual. Little did he realize that he gave abundant evidence for the Biblical Flood account!

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Lost Days, The Rapture, and the Jesuits

by Jeff Reich

Throughout the thousands of years of our earth’s history, has a day ever been lost? How do we really know today is Monday and not Wednesday? Is the Rapture going to happen soon? And what does the military branch of the Catholic Church, namely the Jesuits, have to do with any of this? Download this article and find out!

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A New Normal

by Jeff Reich

Do Christians need to be "woke"? Is COVID being used as an excuse to make changes in the world by creating A NEW NORMAL? "Cancel Culture" is rewriting history and right now is the great COVID mirgration!

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A Sunday Morning Experince!

by Jeff Reich

Come with me when I visit a Sunday Keeping Church who openly advertised that they thought Sabbath Keepers are Judizers and enemies to the body of Christ. You will be surprized at what happens!

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The Death of America?

by Jeff Reich

Is America on the verge of self-destruction? Are there tell tail signs that we are near our end? Could it be that America has a prophetic purpose in events that will soon be seen?

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An Evolutionary Paradigm

by Jeff Reich

Where did the theory of evolution come from? Was there a prophetic timing and reason behind it debut on the world? It seems like time is evolution's god!

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Wanted! Soldiers Not Actors!

by Jeff Reich

Are we Christian solders or actors? Can we end up majoring in the minors when it comes to our personal study of God's word? While we need to dig deep, let's keep both feet on the ground! And God will help us, as good solders, to confront the challenges found in the world.

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There is NO GOD!

by Jeff Reich

Some people today sound like the old Communists of the past—There is NO GOD! But what do you do with compelling evidence to the contrary?

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PS: With a Smile!

by Jeff Reich

Is American quickly becoming a police state? Are all these seemingly great technologies really collecting data and spying on us? Is Google and other big on-line corporations molding the thoughts of Society today? Is 5G really a threat today? And are we giving away our personal information while wearing a smile?

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The Days of Noah Overview!

by Jeff Reich

Travel with us as we share how The Days of Noah series was produced. It took us 10 years, 100s of hours of shooting and 1000s of miles in travel. How it happened!

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We are Ambassadors!

by Jeff Reich

Travel with us to the country of Romania and read about the amazing things God has done! Some people doubt prayer, but as evidenced in this article, God does answer prayer! Read about how we printed 3,000,000 Bible Lessons for the Prison Ministry in Romania. And, by the way, if you are a Christian, did you know you are an ambassador for God!

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Lest We Forget

by Jeff Reich

Let us take you on an overview about God's providential leading in Mission work across former East Europe. Millions of tracts, pamphlets, Bible lessons, and book were printed for these countries. We had a team working with the then vice-president, President's secretary, and others in Albanian. Read about how we attended meetings with the Kind and Queen of Nepal just weeks before they were assassinated. And more!

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When and When Not!

by Jeff Reich

Knowing how and when to share Christ with friends and family can be a hard call. Sometimes we need to be quiet while other times we need to talk about things. And always our example needs to speak louder then words!

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The Desires of Our Hearts

by Jeff Reich

When we put God first, He will often give us the desire of our hearts. That is what happened when Laymen Ministries built a TV studio. Amazing stories about self denial and trusting in God.

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It's All About Oil!!!

by Jeff Reich

Oil! Where did it come from? Why is oil and coal such a sore spot for evolutionists? How much oil is there? Geology tells us some interesting facts—all of which testify to a world-wide flood.

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Hating Haters

by Jeff Reich

Today there is so much hate. And haters feel justified hating because they are hating haters! Hate is eating out country up. There is so much hypocrisy! How shall we react as a Christian?

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My Church

by Jeff Reich

Read about the amazing story of an elderly Romanian couple whose daughter was kid-knapped by human traffickers. In a search for God's Church their daughter was found safely.

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Why I Am Not An Atheist

by Jeff Reich

Jeff Reich shares how he was an atheist as a kid and why he is not one now. There is ample proof there is a God and it strikes right at the core belief of an atheist.

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A Move to the Country

by Jeff Reich

If there ever was time we should consider getting out of the cities, it is now. here are some reasons and ideas on how to make that move.

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A Case of Mistaken Identity

by Jeff Reich

We need to be careful before we judge people—we might not know the whole story. things are not always as they appear!

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Total Recall

by Jeff Reich

Our brains are an amazing organ. God in his mercy has given us coping mechanism to deal with pain and guilt— and the Holy Spirit wants rewrite our brains for the good. Right now it is a blessing we can't remember every second of our lives, but in the earth made new we will have total recall.

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A List to Remember

by Jeff Reich

God can give us proof faith—a faith that is backed up by proof! We can have personal "relationships" with God always reminding us that He is there and loves us. As we live our lives He helps us to love his list! It is called "living the New Covenant"!

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The Revisionists

by Jeff Reich

This article clearly lays out how history is being rewritten and the real perpetrators might surprise you! So yes, there is FAKE NEWS! Islam is tearing down historical cultural artifacts, in the US we are tearing down monuments, and history is being rewritten in more ways than one! India is a good example!

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The Tale of Two Nations

by Jeff Reich

The US seems to be on the verge of dying. History has shown the rise and fall of world powers. Are there similarities to Rome with the United States? If so, what are the similarities???

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The Man of Scorn

by Jeff Reich

A professor of geology set out to explain how the Grand Cooly canyon was formed in Washington State. His finding shocked the scientific world. He was despised and ridiculed, only years later to be proven correct! It goes to show some scientists are more concerned about world views and the scientific method.

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Universal Justification and the Demise of a Preacher

by Jeff Reich

What happened with a well know preacher by the name of A. F. Ballenger and what can we learn from his teachings today? Is it true that everyone in the whole world is “universally forgiven? This article exsposes this false 1888 theology.”

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Can't See the Forest Through the Trees

by Jeff Reich

Amazing stories about how we call ourselves Christians and we allow opportunities to simply slip through the cracks! Just remember, people come in contact with you—and you are the church. This is why the power of the church’s mission rests in the laity. The church will only have a revival when the laymen of the church recognize this one important point

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China in Bible Prophecy

by Samuel Wang & Dr. Ethel R. Nelson

Does the Bible, which is meant for all people of the world, have anything to say about the land of China? The ancient Dead Sea Scrolls, found in 1947, include the book of Isaiah, and once again confirm that today’s Bible is accurate and reliable. Is there a verse in Isaiah that refers to China?

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Left Behind by the Jesuits

by Pastor Steve Wolhberg

What about the roots of the Secret Rapture? Could it be that many are being left behind by the Jesuits?

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Out of the Cities!

by A. L. White and E. A. Sutherland

There are many reasons that may be set forth as arguments in favor of the family having its home in a rural location. These have been clearly and fully set forth in the booklet, Country Living, but there are more things to consider!

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