Ellen G. White MP3 Thumb Drive Audio Book Collection

$150.00 $120.00

  • Model:CD-EGW-MP#
A labor of love and the ultimate Spirit of Prophecy audio library. 95 major publications by Ellen White recorded by various narrators to audio mp3, plus an additional 42 books by our Advent pioneers.

Well read and easy to listen to. These audio books make listening anywhere a breeze. All works are complete on a single USB memory stick (brand is variable). Simply transfer the files to your computer and then to any listening device.

Ellen G. White titles:

    A Call to Medical Evangelism
    A Call to Stand Apart

    A Word to the Little Flock
    Acts of the Apostles
    The Adventist Home

    An Appeal to Youth

    Character Sketches from the Life of Daniel
Child Guidance

    Christ in His Sanctuary
Christ Our Savior

    Christian Education
Christian Service
    Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene
Christ’s Object Lessons
    Colporteur Ministry

    Conflict and Courage


    Counsels on Diet and Foods

    Counsels on Health

    Counsels on Sabbath School Work

    Counsels on Stewardship

    Counsels to Parents, Teachers and Students
    Counsels to Writers and Editors
Country Living

    The Desire of Ages
    Early Writings


    Ellen G. White, 1888 Materials (4 Volumes)

    Faith and Works

    Fundamentals of Christian Education

    God’s Amazing Grace

    Gospel Workers

    Great Controversy, 1884 Edition

    Healthful Living
Help in Daily Living

    Historical Sketches

    In Heavenly Places

    Last Day Events
Life Sketches

    The Madison School

Medical Ministry
Messages to Young People
Mind, Character and Personality, Volumes 1 and 2
    The Ministry of Healing

    My Life Today

    Patriarchs and Prophets

    Promises for the Last Days
Prophets and Kings

    The Publishing Ministry


    Reflecting Christ

    The Sanctified Life

    SDA Bible Commentary, EGW Comments
    Selected Messages, Books 1-3

    Sermons and Talks, Volumes 1 and 2

    Sketches from the Life of Paul
    Sons and Daughters of God

    Spaulding-Magan Collection
Special Testimonies B

    Spiritual Gifts, Volumes 1-4

    Steps to Christ

    The Story of Redemption


    Testimonies for the Church, Volumes 1-9
Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery and Divorce
    Testimonies to Ministers

    Testimony Treasures, Volumes 1-3

    That I May Know Him

is Day With God
oughts from the Mount of Blessing

    The Truth About Angels

    The Voice in Speech and Song
    Welfare Ministry

    Words of Encouragement for Self-Supporting Workers
    Ye Shall Receive Power

    42 Audio Books of the Pioneers

    1889 Camp Meeting Sermons, by Ellen G. White, Alonzo T. Jones, W. W. Prescott and others
    The Autobiography of Elder Joseph Bates

    Bible Studies on the Book of Romans, by Ellet J. Waggoner
    A Brief Exposition of the Angels of Revelation 14, by James S. White
    Christ and His Righteousness, by Ellet J. Waggoner

    Christ Our Righteousness, by A. G. Daniells
    Come Out of Her My People, Charles Fitch
e Consecrated Way to Christian Perfection, by Alonzo T. Jones
    The Cross and its Shadow, by Stephen N. Haskell

    Daniel and Revelation, by Uriah Smith, 1897
    Daniel and Revelation, by Uriah Smith, 1912
e Divine Human Family by W. W. Prescott
    Ellen White and the Loud Cry

    The Everlasting Covenant, by Ellet J. Waggoner
    Footprints of Faith, by David Paulson
    Glad Tidings, by Ellet J. Waggoner
    Gospel in Creation, by E. J. Waggoner
e Great Second Advent Movement, by J. N. Loughborough
    Guide to Christian Perfection, by Charles Fitch

    History of the Sabbath, by J. N. Andrews

    History of the Waldenses, by J. A. Wylie

    Last Day Tokens, by J. N. Loughborough

    Lessons on Faith, by Alonzo T. Jones and Ellet J. Waggoner
    Life Incidents, by James S. White

    Miracles in My Life, by J. N. Loughborough
e Papacy, A Demonstration, By J. A. Wylie

    The National Sunday Law, by Alonzo T. Jones

    Place of the Bible in Education, by Alonzo T. Jones

    Questions on the Sealing Message, by J. N. Loughborough

    A Solemn Appeal, by James and Ellen White

    The Story of Daniel the Prophet, by Stephen N. Haskell

    The Story of the Seer of Patmos, by Stephen N. Haskell

    Studies in Christian Education, by E. A. Sutherland
    Studies in the Book of Galatians, by Alonzo T. Jones

    Studies in the Book of Hebrews, by Ellet J. Waggoner
e Third Angel’s Message 1893, by Alonzo T. Jones
eThird Angel’s Message 1895, by Alonzo T. Jones
e Third Angel’s Message 1897, by Alonzo T. Jones
    Waggoner on the Gospel of John, by Ellet J. Waggoner

    What is Patriotism, by Alonzo T. Jones

    The Word Became Flesh, by William W. Prescott

    The Response of History to the Prophecy of Daniel, by Uriah Smith

Pocket Signs Sample Pack (1 each of 28 titles)
$4.66 $4.20

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