Great Controversy (ASI Sharing) case/40 Free Shipping in USA


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Ellen G. White

Inexpensive paperback edition, priced for sharing. It has an attractive cover, black and white illustrations, and is printed on newsprint paper. It does not contain the same paging as the original volume.

This book was not written to tell us that there is sin and woe and misery in the world — we know this all too well. In our hearts, we all know that there is an irreconcilable controversy between darkness and light, sin and righteousness, wrong and right, life and death. And we all know that we are players in the conflict.

But each of us, at some times, longs to know more — How did the controversy begin? What are its complexities and what principles are involved? How am I related to it? Will it end? If so, how? Is there a brighter future, or is this all there is? Or we might dig deeper in our hearts and ask — How is the controversy played out each and every day in my own life? Can I settle my own future and win the victory for good in my own heart and soul?

That we may better understand the principles of the all-important controversy in which we take part, and in which the life of the entire universe is involved, the author has set it before us in great, concrete object lessons of the last 20 centuries. Last of all, we are told of the eternal and glorious victory of good over evil, hope over despair, and life over death.

Revealing the ultimate plan of God for humanity, this masterful volume is a thrilling presentation of the past, the present, and the future. The source of comfort and inspiration to millions of people already, it could be one of the most important books you ever read.

Paper, 383 pages.

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