Hidden Truth Magazine

$3.49 $3.15

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Amazing Bible Facts Revealed!

Did you know that many of the “facts” we believe are true about the Bible are really myths that have been passed down and perpetuated for centuries? For instance, the beautiful nativity scenes we see everywhere at Christmas time (and perhaps display on our own mantels) depict 3 wise men, some shepherds, and a menagerie of domestic animals gazing adoringly at the baby Jesus, while His adoring parents, Mary and Joseph, look on. But did you know that the Bible never says that there were any animals present, or that the wise men saw Jesus while He was in the manger? Take a look at Matthew 2:11. The fact is, it may have been over a year after Jesus’s birth before the wise men even arrived — and we don’t know how many of them came. We only know there were 3 gifts!

Many Christians have been confused by a series of myths that have managed to take root as legitimate Bible teachings. Whether animals were present at the manger, and how many wise men and when they came is a fairly innocuous legend. But other untrue myths truly hinder our understanding of God and His Word.

This magazine is reader-friendly, grabs the attention and imagination, and invites the reader to study further. It introduces 7 crucial myths, and then provides the scriptural truth for each one, and clearly shows why the truth is so important. This is an excellent tool to lead the reader into deeper Bible studies.

Easy-to read, glossy magazine format. 40 pages.


    1. Can the Bible Be Trusted?
    2. Did a Loving God Make a Devil?
    3. How Does Jesus Save?
    4. How Will the World End?
    5. Deadly Distortions & Blazing Blunders!
    6. The Forgotten Law
    7. Heavenly Health