Immortality of the Soul, The (BSL)

$2.33 $2.00

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  • Model:R-ATJ-IS
By A. T. Jones

A Christ-centered booklet on the state of the dead. Very good for any who do not understand this doctrine. Useful to give to individuals who have questions about this subject, or as a gift in evangelistic series.

This little booklet examines the popular belief in the immortal soul. But is it a scriptural belief? It is, in fact, one of the oldest deceptions in the world, dating from Eden when the serpent said, &ldquoYe shall not surely die.” Through scripture, the author plainly shows that the future existence and immortality of men depends absolutely upon either a resurrection of the dead or a translation without seeing death at all.

The biblical teachings of the Second Coming of Christ, the Judgment, and Christ’s cleansing of sin from the universe are also examined in connection with this subject.

BSL #70, 1890. 31 pages.

The Bible Student’s Library series, published between 1889 and 1905, was written by the Advent pioneers. These tracts clearly present the principles of our faith. They are excellent for your own study or for a witnessing tool. Every booklet cover, with few exceptions, looks just like the original series.
