Reflecting Christ (Paperback)

$22.99 $19.55

  • Model:R-EGW-RC
Ellen G. White Daily Devotional

As Christians, our responsibility is to share with others what God has shown to us — to reflect His character, His love, His image. Ellen G. White had much to say about this responsibility — and the transforming effect of beholding Christ. By beholding Him, studying Him, we become changed into His image, reflecting His light to the world. This complete change of heart affects not only the spiritual life, but also the physical, mental, and social.

“When you remember that Christ has paid the price of His own blood for your redemption and for the redemption of others, you will be moved to catch the bright rays of His righteousness, that you may shed them upon the pathway of those around you.“

Paperback, 384 p. Comfortably readable type size (11 point).
