Ancient Prophecy Reveals the Future — Pocket Signs (100)

$9.99 $9.00

  • Model:R-PST-APRF
Pocket Signs — A special size and a special price, just for sharing

Small 4 1/2” x 2 3/4” format, opens to 4 1/2” x 11”.

One of the world’s most ancient prophecies describes an incredible — and incredibly accurate — panorama of world powers, and shows a most dramatic event that is to happen in our near future. This tract briefly shares about Daniel, King Nebuchadnezzar’s nightmare, and how Daniel explained the dream. A full-color graphic shows the statue described in Daniel 2. Incredibly, every detail has played out throughout history, exactly as Daniel explained it in 600 b.c. If everything but the very last details of the dream have proven exactly true, what can we expect of those final events?

Colorful, pocket-sized tracts are excellent for sharing a word of truth or hope without overwhelming someone with a whole book to read! Each offers a concise, biblical, hope-filled message. Small enough to slip inside a greeting card, letter, or when sending bills. Several can fit in a pocket, briefcase, purse, or wallet, so you can give one anytime you meet someone who has questions, or who could simply use a word of hope and encouragement. Leave one behind everywhere you go!

Each title comes in packets of 100 copies. Not sold singly, nor can titles be mixed. A sample set is available, with one copy of each title. (CLICK HERE)
