Healthful Living *4 available*

$17.95 $15.25

  • Model:H-EGW-HL
By Ellen G. White

This reprint of the 1898 compilation of many health-related topics is amazingly up-to-date when compared with today’s medical knowledge. The compilers have not attempted to make it an exhaustive work on Ellen White’s subject matter of health, but rather to make it comprehensively representative of the principles of healthful and hygienic living, which have been set forth extensively in Mrs. White’s writings. Unnecessary repetition has been avoided as much as possible, and great care has been taken to preserve the setting and context of the thoughts expressed.

Readers will be blessed and amazed by the extent of these nuggets of healthful principles, especially considering that nothing like this was taught at the time they were given to Ellen White. If implemented in the life and taken into the heart, these principles can revolutionize your life and health — physically, as well as spiritually and mentally.

Paper, 336 pages.

  I. Our Bodies Temples of the Holy Ghost
  II. Duty to Study the Laws of Life
  III. The Great Decaogue
  IV. Natural Law Part of the Law of God
  V. Blessings From Obeying Natural Law
  VI. The Consequence of Violating Natural Law
  VII. Natural Law: How Violated
  VIII. Health
  IX. Health Reform
  X. Vital Vigor and Energy
  XI. Disease and Providence
  XII. The Influence of Disease Upon the Mind and Moras
  XIII. Heredity
  XIV. Causes of Disease
  XV. Resistance Against Disease
  XVI. Ventilation
  XVII. Appetite
  XVIII. Diet
  XIX. Flesh Foods
  XX. Stimulants
  XXI. Dress
  XXII. Exercise
  XXIII. Manual Training
  XXIV. Hygiene
  XXV. The Organs of Digestion
  XXVI. The Lungs and Respiration
  XXVII. The Heart and Blood
  XXVIII. The Skin and Its Functions
  XXIX. The Brain and the Nervous System
  XXX. Auto-Intoxication, or Self-Poisoning
  XXXI. Cold
  XXXII. Fevers and Acute Diseases
  XXXIII. Moral Maladies
  XXXIV. Rational Remedies for Disease
  XXXV. Prayer for the Sick
  XXXVI. Drugs
  XXXVII. The Missionary Nurse
  XXXVIII. Medical Students
  XXXIX. The Missionary Physician
  XL. Medical Missionary Work
  XLI. Christian Help Work
  XLII. Lessons From the Experience of the Children of Israel
