16 Ways to Reduce Stress During the Workday (100) - Vibrant Life Tra

$9.99 $9.00

  • Model:H-RS
Health Tracts from Vibrant Life

Stress in the workplace is something that affects everyone. Here are 16 simple but effective tips to share to help you feel less overwhelmed and exhausted at the end of the day.

Pocket-sized tracts (4 1/2” x 2 3/4”, opens to 4 1/2” x 11”) introduce God’s 8 natural remedies and provide some excellent guidance for those interested in improving their lives. The information is simple and effective but not overwhelming—a non-threatening way to share Truth and the possibilities of healthier living.

Hand these out to introduce health events, slip inside a letter or card, hand one to a co-worker or friend. Several can fit in pocket, briefcase, purse, glove compartment. Have them on hand everywhere you go!

Each title comes in packets of 100 copies. Not sold singly, nor can titles be mixed. A sample set is available, with one copy of each title. (CLICK HERE)
