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The Days of Noah Series is now available DVD only.

Note the quantity discounts in the top right corner. There are 3, 5, and 10 quantity price discounts! Discount rate applies to one purchase at a time.

These come with sub-titles in English, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, and Hindi.

Make sure to visit our Days of Noah website. This documentary series covers science, history, and prophecy.

The Days of Noah Series consists of 4 films (4 DVDs) with over 6.5 hours of amazing content.

Here is a quick synopsis of the four films:

The Days of Noah Part 1: The Flood. The first film brings the Genesis epic to life. Is there evidence for a global world-wide flood? See what scientists say and explore with us strong, irrefutable evidence about this cataclysmic event.

The Days of Noah Part 2: Judgment Hour. Just before the Flood, Noah gave a judgment hour message to the world, and likewise, there is a special Biblical prophecy that foretells at the end of time another message will go forth to the world declaring "the hour of His judgment is come." (Rev 14:6) Noah invited the people to find mercy and refuge in the Ark, so too, this judgment hour message for us today points us to the final Ark of safety before the destruction of the world by fire.

The Days of Noah Part 3: The Valley of Decision. In giving the judgment hour message to the world, Noah called people to forsake their false systems of worship and enter the Ark. The multitudes were in the valley of decision. This film explores the parallels between the message of Noah and the last messages of mercy being given to mankind. The prophecies concerning the Antichrist and the mark of the beast will bring the entire world to a crisis point, forcing all to choose whether or not they will enter the refuge of the Ark, just as it was in the days of Noah.

The Days of Noah Part 4: Ark of Fire. The second coming of Christ is the most climactic event of all the prophecies in the Bible, and being prepared for this event is the keynote of the scriptures. Before that time, His people need to enter His Ark of Safety. How can we be sure we will be found in that end-time Ark? How may we find refuge in the Time of Trouble? The answers are clear and simple.

Click here to download a FREE Zip-PDF of the Days of Noah work book with key answers!

What our customers say...

This series is the truth, comprehensively so, and easy to understand. Once I found out it was produced by Seventh Day Adventists, I headed to my local SDA church and have done a few Bible studies with a nice member couple who have only helped to reinforce the same teachings of this video series. I have watched it several times on Amazon Prime but I wanted the series in hard copy for myself to watch whenever I want and to share with others. Thank you!

Rated by Sarah

Fantastic! An immense blessing! The quality of this video is so great we know God’s hand was definitely in the making of this series. We’re giving copies to as many people as possible!

Rated by All for God’s glory! [Verified Buyer]

Absolutely love this series! We held a 4 part movie night at our church and it was a hit. So many people wanted to buy DVDs to have and share with family. We will be purchasing more!!

Rated by Paul

Wow! This documentary series is worth every penny! It is very well made and presents each topic clearly. There is a ton of information in this documentary series. We have passed these out to family and friends. Three of our children who have watched this series have accepted the Sabbath! One had a total conversion! She posted her testimony on Facebook and invited everyone to watch The Days of Noah. The others are looking into God's Word to learn more about the topics presented in this series. Others to whom we gave The Days of Noah DVDs asked for copies of their own to pass out to their families and friend! God is using The Days of Noah series to bring people to the knowledge of the 3 angel's messages... and to the foot of the cross! This is a great missionary tool! I don't know how to preach the 3 angel's messages very well... but I know how to give out DVDs!

Rated by Erica

I love this documentary!! It is well written and it gave me answers to a few questions I was searching for. I recommend this series to anyone who wants to know what is coming in the very near future. Thank you for creating this for all to see. God Bless

Rated by Mark

I have watched all the documentaries that are based on the final message of warning the world (Revelation 14:6-12;18:1-4) this one is by far the very best I have ever seen. The special effects, the succinctness, the emotion that it evoked inside me. To be brutally honest, this is the only commentary that I would not be ashamed of in sharing with my friends and Bible Study interests. Nothing about it is cheesy or dated. I would give six stars if I could.

Rated by John

i am so proud to share this series and to give it as a gift. The graphics, scenery and presentation are truly stunning. Usually my husband falls asleep during any spiritual presentations, but not this one! In fact, he watched the entire series straight through. I had bought 3 to use as sharing and study tools, and am purchasing 3 more as gifts. You've really outdone yourself on this project, and the presentations of the sanctuary, great controversy and plan of salvation are so beautiful. I can't recommend this series enough, and am anxiously awaiting the study guides to complete the project.

Rated by Lori Fisher

This documentary series was absolutely phenomenal!! What an impressive presentation that was riveting from start to finish!! VERY well done! Easy for even my home schooled 9 year old to watch and be able to understand much better due to the visual aids and clear, easy to understand verbiage, terminology, explanations and storyline through history. This is just so well done, I was blown away! This DVD follows through history, to the present time, to the near future in such a clear way that this is excellent for Adventists, non-Adventist Christians and non-Christians! It's truly perfect for anyone and everyone if they just take the time to view even the first 5 minutes of the first DVD, I'm sure they will be so riveted that it is hard to not sit and watching the entire series at once. I couldn't get enough of it! I wanted to sponge up the entire story at once. THIS DVD series truly captures it ALL in a single series. You get the history like you do Amazing Facts "Revelation: The Bride, The Beast & Babylon" dvd. There is the history of the apostolic churches and then Constantine's influence similar to the DVD series by Shawn Boonstra "The Shadow Empire" & "The pale horse rides" of history before & through the dark ages. You get the Sanctuary service "blueprint" by Ivor Myers laid out, the removal of every sanctuary item through the dark ages, then how/when each sanctuary service item is brought back to life through the protestant reformation. Something few Christians seem to be aware of today. There is also similar parts like you see in the DVD "Tell it to the World" with the history from William Miller, EGW the Great Disappointment etc. And how the Sabbath truth was discovered again. Not to mention incredible host start to finish, the interviews through-out the entire series from all backgrounds, several that were raised in the Catholic church and 'get it'. Walter Veith with his incredible experiences, studies and intellect is also on this series. Is is a DVD that includes so many of the "watchmen on the wall" all on a single series working together to share truth with the world. Toward the 3rd & 4th DVDs, it brings you to the present time, which shows actual video clips from OUR present time, our world, our news, our people, our lives NOW, shown to speak for themselves. It's not a scary doomsday prediction or wild far off wild claims - but the here and now showing live video feed of our world today, what we're living in right now, and they speak volumes all on their own. The way that was done, was spot on! It truly lets the world speak for itself where it is all on it's own, and the viewer can process that without someone telling them about where we are in the world today, or where we are headed. Then the future scenes unfold in the DVD, so close is the here & now clips with the future return of the Lord. It was not scary, but comforting to see how the Lord will provide for His faithful steadfast followers. It was heart wrenching to realize how many of us have too busy lives to slow down and realize what is right upon us. This film cut to my heart with such conviction, how we need to stop and realize where we are, and what are we doing with what little time we have left? How are we prioritizing going forward. The comparison to Noah's time & his warning of the coming judgement that was laughed and scoffed at, and ignored.... I had never realized how much we are mirroring that exact same time in history all over again, and when that clicked, it dawned on me what little time we have left to make our choice. I also wanted to add that it helped immensely to have the Bible show that it is the Lord's plan and intent for His followers to strive to step away from the life of sin, to walk with Him day by day and each day cut out sin from our lives more and more. He's taking each of His followers on the heart searching, convicting road less traveled to remove every spot, every blemish of sin from our lives now. Which made sense to me after watching this series - if one is a true christian follower of Christ looking to reflect His image, that is a image that refrains from sin, and we can do that when Christ works through us. It will be His people who have chosen to abstain from sin, that will be able to stand in His presence at His coming. I also did not realize the many descriptions of God being an all consuming fire, until Bible text after Bible text was shown in this documentary. I had not realized the meaning behind the fiery furnace. Very powerful series that will make a lasting impression on every viewer, no matter where they are in their walk with the Lord, or in the world. Perfect witness share DVD, if that wasn't already apparent! Every church should have a copy of this to share with the congregation and then for the community to be invited to view also. This should be a regular witnessing tool to reach so many that do not otherwise read books or even go to church. It did not overlook the details, even for the future scenes - I was impressed where the remnant ones that have the seal of God are escaping from those of the world who strive to harm them, and it shows the 'strong armed men' appear to protect the remnant individuals out of no where.... just as we've been told that heavenly angels clothed as armed men, will protect God's sealed followers. Such little details that are there visually, really puts into this series, so very much and compacts it in a clear, easy to follow and easy to understand way. The visual timeline is unforgettable and beyond words helpful. My only regret is that I didn't buy more DVDs the first time around, but will next time as there are too many lives that I know that can be touched by this film series. Thank you for making this!!

Rated by Jenee Rose

This Noah Documentary is worth every penny and more. Outstanding video footage and truth-filled content presented in a way you have never seen before. Congratulations to all the crew and God's blessing to you for blessing us.

Rated by Rocco Maccarone

The Days of Noah Documentary film series was so well put together that I can’t say enough about it. My husband and I have already watched it 7 times and love it more each time. You will never get tired of viewing it. It is so relevant for the times that we are living in and a must see for anyone searching for truth and answers to all the upheavals happening in our world. Every time I watch this, I am amazed at how well this was put together. I would give it 20 stars if there were such a rating as it is that excellent of a documentary film. Thank you for blessing us with The Days of Noah!!

Rated by Marlene

I absolutely love this documentary!!! It's very well put together and you couldn't have chosen better speakers to be a part of this film series. As for a witnessing tool it is great. I have a son who struggles with alcohol and I let him borrow this so he could watch it and it really answers some questions that he's had about Jesus and His love for him. The problem now is getting it back from him. May just have to buy another set. Thank you for the long hours of work and research this must have taken to put together. I strongly recommend this DVD set.

Rated by Mary

Love this video series. It changed our lives. Absolutely covers all of our questions with scripture. So clear and true. Thank you for this amazing blessing.

Rated by Stephen

I truly loved this 4-part series. The first time I watched it, I was just soaking up the beautiful truths presented so clearly with such compelling Bible truths. After seeing it straight through the first time, my husband and I watched it again and took extensive notes on it. It is SO wonderful and presents the truths of the nearness of Jesus soon return and the beauty of the sanctuary truth that is so clearly tied to Jesus work on our behalf. Praise Him for His amazing love and His promise to return SOON and take us home with Him. Thank you for making such a compelling set of DVD’s sharing such important messages about His amazing love for us and His work on our behalf. May God be praised!!

Rated by Rusti

I watched this series on Amazon Prime and loved its accuracy in alignment with the whole scripture that I searched for a means to share it with my family members via DVD format. I just ordered 10 copies to get started sharing. If you enjoy presentations about the Bible that match what scripture has written in its pages, then you will feel empowered by the messages clarified by this content. If you have yet to read or study scripture, grab your seat belt, notepad, and pencil as you begin your journey toward understanding the focus of the messages of scripture. After viewing this documentary, and as you read and study the parts of scripture unable to fit in the limited time for the videos, supporting details will be added to confirm your understanding of The Creator's message of love for His creation. Be Blessed!

Rated by Jeremiah

The Days of Noah is an excellent 4-part DVD series that covers a lot of very important information regarding spiritual matters. Every person needs to see this series. Highly recommended.

Rated by Paul

This is the most comprehensive study of bible prophecy I have ever experienced. A must have for those who are seeking salvation.

Rated by Carole

I stumbled on this video series during a "bad weather" afternoon and evening. I was settling in for the bad weather and browsed through a well-known video streaming service that I subscribe to. I had no idea what I was actually going to see after selecting this series but was completely tuned into the TV for the next hour or so. I sat and watched Part I and II back-to-back. I texted my family and friends about what I had just viewed because I couldn't wait to tell them about this series. As others have said, it is very well made and is all scripturally based. The commentators are all "formers", were non-believers, staunch scientists who have had the Holy Spirit work through them and they tell their own personal salvation stories which brings tears to my eyes. The series starts with the basics and gets deep and answered numerous questions I have had all of my Christian life. I have watched all parts twice! And I had to own the set for future viewings. Perfect for families to watch together and small group study and discussions! Enjoy and be blessed!

Rated by LuAnn

Excellent !

Rated by charles

Outstanding Documentary, the information presented in the series is absolutely critical for every person to know. Following this information will have eternal consequences on every persons soul.

Rated by Jon

Fantastic! I've watched it nearly every Sabbath Day since I received it. It's well presented and allows discerning people to compare the message in the video to the verses in the bible as well as to the accuracy of the deviation of alternate denominational teaching. GOD Bless all who participated in the creation and distribution of this series. Glory Be To GOD In The Highest!

Rated by Gene