Medical Missionary, The *7 left*


  • Model:H-JHK-MM
By Dr. John Harvey Kellogg

Talks given at the 1893 General Conference Session on what a true medical missionary should be. As Dr. Kellogg put it, “I should define medical missionary work to be anything that is done in the spirit of Christ for the relief of the physical sufferings and wants of our fellow-men.” By that definition, we are all medical missionaries. These talks by Dr. Kellogg eloquently describe the heart commitment and transformation that are needed, and the willingness to live by the principles that we teach. True medical missionaries are needed in every home, in every church, every city, every mission field. Not found in the GC Bulletin.

Paper, 47 pages.


  • Needs and Opportunities for Medical Missionary Work
  • The Medical Missionary Himself
  • The Duty of Doing Works of Charity and Benevolence
  • Faith and Works
  • Special Light About Medical Missionary Work
  • Openings for Medical Missionary Work at Home and Abroad
  • Opportunities for Medical Missionary Work