Journeys to the Edge of Creation, DVD Set

$14.99 $12.75

  • Model:DVD-MSC-JEC
From Moody Science Institute

The set of both Journeys to the Edge of Creation presentations: The Milky Way and Beyond and Our Solar System. 2, 40 min. DVDs

The Milky Way and Beyond

This video will reveal how insignificant we are on planet earth compared to what is “out there!” Fantastic footage from the Hubble space telescope, NASA 3-D animation and more explain the grand design of space from a Christian standpoint. 40 min. DVD

Our Solar System

Beginning with the star we know as the sun, take a look at our solar system and wonder at how our Creator made such a place for His Creation to live. We can barely comprehebd the awesome magnificence of God'’ creation, even when we study its details through telescopes and space probes. Truly, the heavens declare the glory of God. 40 min. DVD

Home Missionary Work (BSL)
$1.55 From $0.95 to $1.30

This little booklet should be printed to be read and studied...