Two Video Mission Reports from Laymen Ministries Productions
137. India: Fishers of Men:
In south India, get a first-hand view of the new Laymen Ministries India video production studio/India headquarters/lay training center/literature distribution center. Within just a few months sine its opening, the video team has taken on production of all of the TV programs Laymen Ministries televises from India, as well as special video presentations, and film production. We also check in with our faithful and hard-working Bible worker teams, and take you on a special trip to the peaceful, unique backwaters of the Kerala coast.
138. Lithuania: A Good Work:
Our team of Bible workers in Lithuania has a diversified work. From home Bible studies, mentoring church members, one-on-one visitation, managing a traveling library, working with youth, visiting orphans, reaching out to the lowest of society, sharing a unique newspaper full of hope and help, and many more activities, this team of dedicated workers is the backbone of church grown in Lithuania. Come along for a visit with them, and see some of the unique and ancient culture of Lithuania, as well.