To Be Like Jesus (Paperback) *4 available*

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  • Model:R-EGW-CC
Ellen G. White Daily Devotional

We can have what Enoch had. We can have Christ as our constant companion. The Shepherd knows His sheep. When we stumble, He lifts us up, binds our wounds, and leads us on to victory. By daily surrender to His will we can enjoy sweet communion with God. Our trembling hand in His, we walk side by side through trial and tempest into a future bright with promise.

This devotional is designed to help the readers fix their eyes upon Jesus, noting how He lived, studying His attitudes and practices, and encouraging the Christian to follow His example. How important was prayer in His life? How did He relate to inspired writings? How did He use time and other God-given talents? What was His attitude toward the natural world, toward the moral law, toward healthful living? The daily readings are grouped around these and other practical topics month by month, helping to make clear that salvation involves much more than simply saying, "I believe," It means loving Jesus, obeying Him, and seeking to be like Him.

The devotional readings have been selected from a wide range of Ellen White's articles, books, and letters, written over a span of many decades. They call us into a deeper fellowship with God and equip us for life's journey. Each devotional is a moment with the Master -- another step in an ever-sweeter journey with Jesus.

Monthly Topics:
January: Communing with God
February: The Blessings of Obedience
March: Investing Time and Other Talents
April: Exploring God’s Word
May: The Day That God Made Holy
June: Doing the King’s Business
July: Practicing the End-time Lifestyle
August: Relating to the Natural World
September: Sharing the Good News
October: Enjoying Good Health
November: Worshiping at Home
December: Repenting, Then Growing
Paperback, 383 pages. Comfortably readable 11-point type.
