Truth About Vaping, The (100) - Vibrant Life Tract

$9.99 $9.00

  • Model:H-VL-TV
Is vaping a safer, healthier way to smoke? This tract, prepared by experts in the field and from current research data, shows that users of e-cigarettes are running serious risks to their health.

Pocket-sized tracts (4 1/2” x 2 3/4” format, opening to 4 1/2” x 11”) introduce God’s 8 natural remedies and provide some excellent guidance for those interested in improving their lives. The information is simple and effective but not overwhelming—a non-threatening way to share Truth and the possibilities of healthier living.

Hand these out to introduce health events, slip inside a letter or card, hand one to a co-worker or friend. Several can fit in pocket, briefcase, purse, glove compartment. Have them on hand everywhere you go!

Available only in packets of 100. Not sold singly.
