Immaculate Conception, The *1 left*

$1.15 $1.00

  • Model:R-ATJ-IC
By A. T. Jones

A powerful little booklet that exposes the false doctrine of the Catholic Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, and vindicates the nature of Christ's humanity. The author shows that from its very early days, the Catholic church began to teach that the Virgin Mary was free from sin from the very point of her (not Christ’s) conception, and that through her, Christ was also “very different from the rest of mankind.” The consequence of this teaching is to remove Jesus so far from sinful humanity that we could not approach Him, nor He us with any true understanding or mercy.

The author goes on to show, through scripture, that Jesus, in his human nature, was made lover than the angels, and took our nature of flesh and blood, just as it is, with all its infirmities. In His human nature He is one with us, understands what we experience and feel, and was tempted as we are.

The consequence of this truth is the knowledge that in His human nature Jesus Christ is one with us, and as certainly as He was God with us, God was and is with us today. No ladder is required to reach Him, for He is the ladder which reaches from earth to heaven. Religious Liberty Library, #25, 1894, and also reprinted in Signs of the Times, October 29 and November 5, 1896. Re-typeset for easier reading, and reprinted by Laymen Ministries. 16 pages, saddle stitched.
