John Wesley DVD


  • Model:DVD-JW
A re-release of the historical classic made in 1954. This cinema drama follows the life of Wesley from when he was saved out of a burning house as a child and thereby marked for life as a “brand from the burning.” His Oxford days, a disastrous mission to America, his decisive Aldersgate experience, his bringing the Gospel into the daily lives of alienated masses, the founding of Methodism, and his astounding role in raising the moral and religious climate in 18th century England, and much more are set forth with careful dependence on historical sources.

John Wesley was one of the most influential ministers in all of Christian history, and this older, but still potent, film provides an excellent introduction to the major events of his life and the many obstacles he had to overcome. But when we place ourselves in God’s hands and allow our talents to be used and furthered by Him, He can accomplish great things through a mere man.

77 minutes.

Playable in all regions.
