Uses of Water *7 left*

$14.95 $12.70

  • Model:H-JHK-UW
John Harvey Kellogg, M.D.

Hydrotherapy and water-cures were all the rage in the mid 1800s. Not unexpectedly, there was a lot of erroneous information circulating, and numerous institutions advertised water-cures for every ailment. Numerous and flagrant exaggerations of the effects of water as a remedial agent were propounded by many such institutions, and it seemed to be promoted as a cure for all ills. Dr. Kellogg wrote this small but informative book to clear the air and state the facts about water and hydrotherapy and its place among the many agencies that may be employed in the treatment of numerous ailments. The objectives of the book are simply summarized:

  • To present a careful and candid account of the nature of water and its physiological effects.
  • To explain the effects of water when used as a remedy for disease, and to demonstrate its value as a remedial agent.
  • To show that the employment of water in the treatment of disease has been practiced by eminent physicians in all ages, and is not a modern discovery.
  • To expose absurd and erroneous practices which have brought the remedial use of water into disrepute.
  • To provide a convenient manual of the many various methods of applying water.

Paper, 154 pages.


    Physical Properties of Water
    Hygienic Relations of Water
    Physiological Effects of Water
    History of a Water Cure
    Remedial Properties
    Errors in Water Cure
    Applications of Water
