Acts of the Apostles (Paper, with original page #s)

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Ellen G. White

This is the amazing story of the early Christian believers. After Jesus was victorious over Satan and returned to heaven, the enemy turned his attention to those on earth who believed in Jesus — His church. Here are thrilling stories of fierce persecutions and unswerving loyalty to God. Peter, Paul, James, John, Luke, Barnabas, Stephen, Mark, and the other early apostles carried the wonderful news of the gospel to all of the then-known world. They were real people, with lessons to learn, and faith to grow. Their one point in common, and the point on which the church grew, was their love and devotion to God. Unwilling to surrender their faith, many gave their lives. Their legacy endures today.

The story of Acts is still continuing. Christ’s church today is carrying forward the same work, and has the same promise of divine guidance and power that the early apostles had. As you read this book you will be inspired to put your trust in Jesus. Ask Him to fill you with the Holy Spirit so you may share your faith with others.

Volume 4 of the Conflict of the Ages series. Paper, 634 pages, same pagination as original.
