Story of Redemption, The (Paper)

$12.99 $11.05

  • Model:R-EGW-SR-P
By Ellen G. White

In the mid 19th century God gave Ellen White a series of visions concerning the “great controversy of the ages between Christ and Satan.“ These visions led her to write a small book entitles Spiritual Gifts, which she later expanded into the four volumes of The Spirit of Prophecy. In time, these were amplified and published as the 5-volume Conflict of the Ages series.

The Story of Redemption contains the heart of the Spirit of Prophecy set, plus additional material from Early Writings. In chronological order it covers God’s dealings with the sin problem from the fall of Lucifer to the New Earth. The visions God gave Mrs. White offer many behind-the-scenes glimpses of Bible history. After tracing the later history of the Christian church, she then takes th reader into the future, describing the final events that lead up to the establishment of God’s kingdom, and the elimination of sin for all eternity.

No other single volume of Ellen White’s writings deals so concisely with the entire sweep of redemption’s history. 67 chapters are mostly 10 pages or less, making this an ideal book for personal or group study, or a daily reading plan that will quickly give you a brilliant view of God’s tireless work of redemption throughout history — and His final triumph over sin, death, and separation.

Paper, standard pagination. 445 pages.

Also available on audio CD.


    1. The Fall of Lucifer
    2. The Creation
    3. Consequences of the Rebellion
    4. Temptation and Fall
    5. The Plan of Salvation
    6. Cain and Abel
    7. Seth and Enoch
    8. The Flood
    9. The Tower of Babel
    10. Abraham and the Promised Seed
    11. The Marriage of Isaac
    12. Jacob and Esay
    13. Jacob and the Angel
    14. The Children of Israel
    15. God’s Power Revealed
    16. Israel’s Escape From Bondage
    17. Israel’s Journeyings
    18. The Law of God
    19. The Sanctuary
    20. The Spies and Their Report
    21. The Sin of Moses
    22. The Death of Moses
    23. Entering the Promised Land
    24. The Ark of God and the Fortunes of Israel

    25. The First Advent of Christ
    26. The Ministry of Christ
    27. The Betrayal of Christ
    28. The Trial of Christ
    29. The Crucifixion of Christ
    30. The Resurrection of Christ
    31. The Ascension of Christ

    32. Pentecost
    33. The Healing of the Cripple
    34. Loyalty to God Under Persecution
    35. Gospel Order
    36. Death of Stephen
    37. The Conversion of Saul
    38. The Early Ministry of Paul
    39. The Ministry of Peter
    40. Peter Delivered From Prison
    41. In the Regions Beyond
    42. Paul’s Years of Ministry
    43. Martyrdom of Paul and Peter

    44. The Great Apostasy
    45. The Mystery of Iniquity
    46. Early Reformers
    47. Luther and the Great Reformation
    48. Progress of the Reformation
    49. Failure to Advance

    50. The First Angel’s Message
    51. The Second Angel’s Message
    52. The Midnight Cry
    53. The Sanctuary
    54. The Third Angel’s Message
    55. A Firm Platform
    56. Satan’s Delusions
    57. Spiritualism
    58. The Loud Cry

    59. The Close of Probation
    60. The Time of Jacob’s Trouble
    61. Deliverance of the Saints
    62. The Saints’ Reward
    63. The Millennium
    64. The Second Resurrection
    65. The Coronation of Christ
    66. The Second Death
    67. The New Earth
