Great Empires of Prophecy, The *3 left*

$31.95 $27.15

  • Model:R-ATJ-GEP
From Babylon to the Fall of Rome By Alonzo T. Jones Referring to 80 of the best historical records, Jones sets out in detailed but very readable style how history fulfills the Bible prophecies. Beginning with the ancient time of Nebuchadnezzar, he takes the reader through the ages of Cyrus, Alexander, and Julius Caesar. Dig deeply into the kingdoms of each, and then into the biblically significant events of Constantine’s rule to the dissolution of the Roman Empire.

You may be surprised by the richness and style of Jones’s narrative, and blessed as you see the every detail of prophecy fulfilled in the nations of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and the 10 Kingdoms. The factual events of history have been recorded, and when these facts are gathered together in the order of their occurrence, and are viewed in their true setting in the light of the Bible, they teach their own lesson. Many maps help clarify the action. You will never again look at prophecy and history in the same way.

Paper, 696 pages with original page breaks. This is a facsimile reprint made from a quality original, so the text is quite readable with no over-inked or light text areas, and minimal broken letters.


    The Empire of Babylon
          01. Nebuchadnezzar
          02. From Eveil-Merodach to Belshazzar

    The Empire of Media and Persia
         03. The Fall of Babylon
         04. Darius the Mede and Cyrus
         05. Cambyses and “Smerdis”
         06. Darius

         07. In Scythia and at Marathon

         08. The Army of Invasion
         09. Thermopylae
         10. Salamis
         11. Plataea
         12. Artaxerxes to Darius Codomanus

    The Empire of Grecia
         13. Reign of Philip

         14. In Europe
         15. Granicus, Issus, and Arbela
         16. From Babylon to Babylon Again

    Alexander’s Successors
         17. The Empire Divided
         18. The King of the North and the King of the South

         19. The Republic
         20. The Failure of the Republic
         21. The First Triumvirate
         22. The Second Triumvirate
         23. The Empire
         24. The Monarchy
         25. Against Christianity
         26. The Great Apostasy
         27. Exaltation of the Bishopric
         28. The Rise of Constantine
         29. The Religion of Constantine
         30. Constantine and the Bishops
         31. The Union of Church and State
         32. The Original Sunday Legislation
         33. Establishment of the Catholic Faith
         34. Arianism Becomes Orthodox
         35. The Catholic Faith Re-established
         36. Church usurps the Civil Authority
         37. The Ruin of the Empire

    Rome Divided
         38. Rome Divided
         39. The Alemanni and the Franks
         40. The Suevi, the Vandals, and the Burgundians
         41. The Visigoths
         42. The Angles and Saxons
         43. The Ostrogoths Enter the Western Empire
         44. The Lombards
         45. The Herulian Kingdom
         46. The Ten Kingdoms
