Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress, The *7 left*

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J. N. Loughborough

A pioneer's record of the birth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and biblical foundation for its unique mission. J. N. Loughborough was the first historian of the denomination. Your heart will be revived by the engaging narrative of this eye-witness account. He was present more than 50 times when Ellen White received visions, and he recounts here the fascinating phenomena that accompanied them.

By request of Ellen White, he wrote the history of the Advent movement in the books: The Rise and Progress of Seventh-day Adventists and The Great Second Advent Movement.

In 1902 Loughborough published an account of the message and history of Seventh-day Adventism entitled The Rise and Progress of the Third Angel’s Message. Unfortunately, the book was lost when the Review and Herald burned in 1903. Starting over from scratch, Loughborough wrote a new book entitled The Great Second Advent Movement that was published in 1905. In it he provides personal testimony and insight into the history of the church, the visions and prophecies of Ellen White, early divisions in the church, and various philosophical and religious matters, as well as some autobiographical material.

Paper, 275 pages.


    1. Introductory
    2. The Plan of Salvation Unfolded
    3. The Coming of the Promised Seed
    4. The Time of the End
    5. The Second Advent Message
    6. The Message and the Messengers
    7. The Rapid Advancement of the Message
    8. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
    9. The Tarrying Time
    10. The Midnight Cry
    11. The Second Angel’s Message
    12. The Disappointment — The Bitter Book
    13. Tokens of Divine Guidance
    14. The Shut Door
    15. Increasing Light and Greater Wonders
    16. The Third Angel’s Message
    17. The Truth Advanced Under Difficulties
    18. Providence of God in the Publishing Work
    19. “By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them:rdquo;
    20. Sacrifices in the Early Work
    21. The Guiding Hand in the Work
    22. Organization
    23. Health Institutions
    24. Other Predictions Fulfilles
    25. Educational Institutions
    26. Our Foreign Missions
    27. Other Testimonies Confirmed
    28. A Door That No Man Can Shut