Truth Triumphant *3 left*

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The Church in the Wilderness

The Church in the Wilderness is the connecting link between apostolic Christianity and God’s people today. Great prominence is given to it in the Scriptures. And yet history has covered and re-written a so many of the facts about the Christian believers between 538 a.d. and 1798. Truth has been absorbed into legend and facts of history changed by rulers and church leaders. Is it possible to know any of the truth of how the teachings of Jesus Christ and the apostles were shared and preserved by Heroes of the Cross during the Dark Ages and across time and continents?

The author of Truth Triumphant brings together the narrative of the Church in the Wilderness across the centuries, across nations’ borders, and around the world. Seeking out rare original sources, traveling many times to the locations mentioned, and diligently searching historians who have gone before him, here emerges a new story that throws strong light on the history of God’s people. Visit Europe, the British Isles, India, Syria, China, the Philippines, and more in search of those who kept the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus. These hidden heroes were the true guardians of the treasures of Truth which God has committed to His people to be given to the world.

Paper, 424 pages.

I. What Is the Church in the Wilderness?
II. The Church in the Wilderness in Prophecy
III. The Apostolic Origins of the Church in the Wilderness
IV. The Silent Cities of Syria
V. Lucian and the Church in Syria
VI. Vigilantius, Leader of the Wadenses
VII. Patrick, Organizer of the Church in the Wilderness in Ireland
VIII. Columba and the Church in Scotland
IX. Papas, First Head of the Church in Asia
X. How the Church was Driven Into the Wilderness
XI. Dinooth and the Church in Wales
XII. Aidan and the Church in England
XIII. Columbanus and the Church in Europe
XIV. The Church in Europe After the Time of Coumbanus
XV. Early Waldensian Heroes
XVI. The Church of the Waldenses
XVII. Aba and the Church of Persia
XVIII. Timothy of Bagdad; The Church Under Mohammedan Rule
XIX. The St. Thomas Christians of India
XX. The Great Struggle in India
XXI. Adam and the Church in China
XXII. Marcos of Peking
XXIII. The Church in Japan and the Philippines
XXIV. The Remnant Church Succeeds the Church in the Wilderness
Index of Authorities
