Letters to the Churches *3 left*


  • Model:R-MLA-LC
M. L. Andreasen

Several letters that Andreasen wrote to the Adventist Church at large concerning the meetings between Adventist leaders and Evangelicals, and to protest the book Questions on Doctrine. Discussion on some of these topics continue to be an issue today.

In these letters, Andreasen deals with specific errors in Questions on Doctrine. These include the Incarnation and the nature of Christ and the Atonement of Christ as our High Priest. He calls for careful study of the Scriptures and Ellen White, and for depth of understanding, lest we make void the unique pillars of our Adventist heritage. Andreasen also debates the statements that arose on the importance of Ellen White's writings and the public downplaying of their role in determining doctrine of the Seventh-day Adventist Church; and the decision during the 1950's to suppress some of Ellen White's manuscripts, a decision which is not still in effect.

Andreasen also clearly lays out the order of events and the correspondence between himself and the church organization in the conflict over the publication of Questions on Doctrine.

Related reading: The Andreasen Files, available separately.

Paper, 84 pages
