Secret History of the Jesuits, The

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  • Model:R-EP-SHJ
Edmond Paris

From Europe comes the voice of a journalist and historian who documents the same information we have heard for many years from ex-priests.

Edmond Paris boldly exposes the Vatican's involvement in world politics, intrigues and the fomenting of wars throughout history. The birth of the Jesuits during the Reformation is documented, and their goal to bring the world under papal power. The history of Jesuit action is examined in depth from the 16th and 17th centuries and onward.

The Jesuits pledged to destroy Paris, his reputation, his family, and his work, as testified by a former Jesuit priest. Unwilling to be silent on the facts and atrocities he documented, Paris became a martyr for the truth.

Table of Contents
Part 1 - The Founding of the Jesuit Order
Chapter 1: Ignatius of Loyola
Chapter 2: The Spiritual Exercises
Chapter 3: The Founding of the Company
Chapter 4: The Spirit of the Order
Chapter 5: The Privileges of the Company

Part 2 - The Jesuits in Europe during the 16th and 17th Centuries
Chapter 1: Italy, Portugal, Spain
Chapter 2: Germany
Chapter 3: Switzerland
Chapter 4: Poland and Russia
Chapter 5: Sweden and England
Chapter 6: France

Part 3 - Foreign Missions
Chapter 1: India, Japan, China
Chapter 2: The Americas: The Jesuit State of Paraguay

Part 4 - The Jesuits in the European Society
Chapter 1: The teaching of the Jesuits
Chapter 2: The morals of the Jesuits
Chapter 3: The Eclipse of the Company
Chapter 4: Rebirth of the Society of Jesus during the 19th Century
Chapter 5: The Second Empire and the Falloux Law - The War of 1870
Chapter 6: The Jesuits in Rome - The Syllabus
Chapter 7: The Jesuits in France from 1870 to 1885
Chapter 8: The Jesuits and General Boulander
The Jesuits and the Dreyfus Affair
Chapter 9: The Years before the War - 1900-1914

Part 5 - The Infernal Cycle
Chapter 1: The First World War
Chapter 2: Preparations for the Second World War
Chapter 3: German Aggression and the Jesuits.
Austria - Poland - Czechoslovakia - Yugoslavia
Chapter 4: The Jesuit movement in France before and during the 1939-1945 War
Chapter 5: The Gestapo and the Society of Jesus
Chapter 6: The Death Camps and the Anti-Semitic Crusade
Chapter 7: The Jesuits and the Colleqium Russieum
Chapter 8: Pope John XXIII removes the mask.
