Three Messages of Revelation 14 *1 left*

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  • Model:R-JNA-3MOR14
J. N. Andrews The Bible is full of references to the second coming of Christ and the events of the great day of God. The language of these inspired writers expresses in the most vivid manner the awful and terrific scenes of that day in which God arises from His place to end forever sin and its terrible effects.

God always gives ample warning before He sends His judgments. As He warned Sodom and Gomorrah before sending fire and brimstone and the antediluvian world through Noah before the Flood, even so today He is sending a message of warning. In Revelation Chapter 14, we find this warning in the three angels’ messages which are being heralded around the world.

At the commencement of the great day of God’s wrath, His people will be translated into His everlasting kingdom, clothed with immortality. What will prepare them for such a distinguished honor? The answer can be found in the three great proclamations of Revelation 14. God does not wish to come upon the world unaware. He gives clear warning and leaves us without excuse. He has given light to the pathway, and restores His commandments to us in order to prepare us for deliverance in the time of trouble and translation into His kingdom.

Like the antediluvians who were given ample warning of the coming Flood, we also have the opportunity to ignore the coming destruction and be swept away by it, lulled by our sense of security. These messages are our warning call, and the opportunity to be awake and waiting for our Redeemer.

Paper, 142 pages.
